Thomas Edison State University2022-10-192022-10-192022-10-18 PROFILES: A New Class of Leadership: Dr. Erin Rybicki, DBA ’22; Accelerating Success: Priyal Parikh, BSN ’21; Eye on the Prize: Kevin Sanders, MSC ’22, BS ’13, AAS ’13; Conflicting Due Dates: Vanessa Guezala, BA ’21; Through the Lens of Leadership: John Q. Adams, MAEdL ’22; Chasing a Dream: Emsley Baptiste, ASBA ’19, BSBA ’22; Changing Courses: Mary Jo Loughlin, DNP ’22; Running Toward Danger: Armand Cayer, BS ’21; The Yearning to Learn: Mariana Beshai-Ascander, MSM ’21; Powering Up: Edgar Newell, BS ’22; Scenes from Commencement; Grads by the UNIVERSITY NEWS: New Cloud Computing Degree Program Launched; New Jersey State Budget Appropriation Marks a “Watershed Moment” For Students; NJBIZ Names TESU Among ‘Healthcare Heroes’ and ‘Best Places to Work in N.J.’; TESU Joins Amazon As Educational Partner; TESU Salutes RNs by Reducing Tuition; FOUNDATION NEWS: Donor Cords Make the Difference: Jacqueline A. Lynch, BA ’22; MEET A TESU GENIUS: Salvatore Salpietro, BA ‘08Magazine, Invention, commencement, DBA, doctor of business administration, 2022, ceremonyInvention Magazine Fall 2022Other